
October 18, 2011

Sewing Camp 2011

School of Crafts Summer Sewing Camp was a great success!  I was a little nervous venturing on my own, but I knew that I would be starting a family soon and wanted to make sure I would be able to stay home with my kids.  So...  School of Crafts Sewing Camp came to be!

  For the first go around I am super happy with how well things went.  I had so much fun with all my students.  They were all so fun and I loved seeing their personalities come out in their projects.  Here is a nice photo recap of the AMAZING creations everyone made. 

There are so many more, but I figured I would just highlight a few :)  If you would like to see all the pictures taken please visit our Flickr page.  You truly will be amazed with the modifications and projects some of the students came up with all on their own and only after 1 week!

If you are interested in taking some classes with School of Crafts I will be posting Summer 2012 dates in February.  So be on the look out :)
Take care mucho,

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