
October 21, 2011

Knitting up a storm....

So on top of all the fun Camp fun I had this summer I have been knitting like it is going out of style!  This baby news really makes crafting SO much more fun!  Making little things is exciting and instantly gratifying.  For some reason I am more into knitting for this baby than sewing, but I think it works out since he is coming in the middle of very cold weather.

 It all started with making some fun little hats....

(Pattern for this one coming soon )

Why hats?  I am sure you asking yourself.  Well......
  I am fortunate to have an awesome family friend, Maria, who is an AMAZING photographer.  I am always talking to her about creative endeavors.  The moment I found out I was expecting I "booked" her to take his newborn pictures.  I hope to use these hats during the photo shoot.  I just love how babies look with knitted pieces and naked bodies!  Check out Maria's pictures at her website Papillon Photography.  I am sure you will LOVE what you see! 

I am getting so excited to see what this little guy looks like in these little creations.  

More knitted items to come soon... after all I told you I have been knitting up a storm right?
Stay tuned :)

Take care mucho,

1 comment:

  1. These are great, especially the long stripy one! Congratulations on your coming baby! I also love pictures like the ones you describe. Good for you for booking the photographer now. I thought I'd do stuff like that but once my little guy was born I was so overwhelmed that nothing ever was done. If it was already scheduled I think we probably would have followed through. Now he is so big, still cute, but not for taking naked pictures with knitted caps anymore!
