
September 28, 2011


I can't believe that it has been so long!  Summer has come and gone, back-to-school time past... where have I been?    I have been quite the slacker on my poor blog, but I have had some great things to catch you guys up on.  

*Summer Sewing Camp was a great success and my students have blown me away with their talent! 
*I have also been busy knitting and sewing away things for my little guy (YUP... that's right another mini crafter is coming to you sometime in November).  Crafting for babies is just way too FUN! 
*I was even able to fit in a short but relaxing Key West getaway with my husband for one last hurrah before the baby comes.

I know I am such a tease but I just had to post a little something to get the ball rolling here on my poor abandoned blog.

So hold tight and check back, I promise not to leave you hanging like I did this summer.

Take care mucho,

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