
October 25, 2011

Knitting some more...

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been having a great time knitting for my little guy who can be making his appearance any day now (Yikes!).  Here are a few sweaters I have created for him to keep him cozy during the winter months.

This one is a Spud & Chloe pattern, Buga Baby Bunting.  It was just so cute I couldn't resist.  Plus I have been a fan of Spud & Chloe for a while now.  I loved their yarns and now I totally dig their patterns too, because this one clearly written and easy to follow.

 The pattern for this one I found on Ravelry.  I love the little old man feel to this one.  It reminds me of something my dad would wear.

And some cute little mocasins to keep his little feet nice and warm when we are out and about.  The pattern fro these were purchased on ebay but you can find the link on Ravelry here.

I have a few more knitted goodies, but just haven't been able to get a picture of them.  I will try to post them on to my flickr page as soon as possible. 

If you have any other suggestions of patterns I should try out for my little man please let me know.  I have really enjoyed these quick projects.  

Now only to see them on him.  That is going to be exciting!

Take care mucho,

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