
March 2, 2011

A productive evening...

Not sure if I had mentioned to you all, but right before leaving for my impromptu trip I had cleaned out my sewing studio.  It was such a chaotic mess that I just couldn't stand it.  It was a whole weekend endeavor.  By Saturday night it looked like I had made it worse rather than better.  Then Sunday rolled around and everything was put back in a new place.

The most shocking part of the whole "spring cleaning" was the number of u.f.o's I found.  14 in total!  Can you believe it?  Some of which I totally had forgotten about.
(Pictured below is only a small basket with 4 of the ufo's).

So I quickly had a new goal to accomplish.  I HAD to finish some of the u.f.o's before starting anything!  
Last night was my first chance to really get something done. 

I started with the blocks I had received from my bee group Sew Fun!  I arranged them on my fun new design wall and started sewing.  I have the front design all figured out, but need to stop by IKEA for a little more of the gray sheet fabric to finish it off.  I have 5 blocks left over that I already have an idea for to use on the back. 

I also took out my pillow roll and finally made myself the pillow that I have wanted for a while.  I am in love!  It was perfect last night while I was watching TV in bed.  Plus it only took me about 25 minutes to make.

I have taken this cute baby quilt out too.  The top was already pieced together.  It just needed a little trimming, which I quickly did.  I am off to buy a little bit fabric for the back so that I can do some simple straight line quilting later this week. 

I also have plans for some fun color blocks that can't be shown at the moment.  They were demos for a project I have submitting for publication! I plan on turning them into a pillow.  It will add some fun color to my sewing room.  

I love fun and productive evenings!  

Take care mucho,

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the DC Modern girls should have a UFO challenge? We count what we have, make a deadline and see how many projects we can complete? Maybe prizes too? Could be fun!
