
March 8, 2011

more progress

I really have been on a mission lately with my tall stack of ufo's.  I have one that is completely finished and 3 that are very close :)

This is a baby blanket that is ready to be used as soon as my second nephew comes into this world.  I love the simplicity (it is a modified project out of  Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts)

This is an "I Spy" quilt that was started forever ago.  I had it all planned out.  Sashing cute and ready to get sewed and then I lost steam.  Which is kinda weird considering putting it together for me is the fun part.  Finally the strips were sewn and then sewn all together to create this quilt top!   Now I have to find some fun fabric for the backing.... any ideas?

This was another project that I had all ready and prepped but never actually sewn together.   I wanted a fun fabric animal book to use my cute 45'' Wide Brown Bear Brown Bear Painted Animals Multi Fabric By The Yard fabric.  I LOVE the way this has turned out.  If you are wondering, the words are in Spanish :)
I hope to have finished pictures of this one tomorrow.  It was just a little too late to keep my eyes open to finish the last page panel.  

Gosh it feels so good to get these projects finished up!  I am loving the way they are turning out and it is nice to know that they aren't cluttering up my sewing space any more.  

Have you been working on some ufo's lately?

Take care mucho,


  1. ps. tengo mucho ufo's....necesito finishar!

    (I don't know how to say finish in spanish...!)
