
April 10, 2010

Martha Stewart's Stitch Fest

As I mentioned before I went to Martha Stewart's book premier in NYC.  I went a little snap happy.  For a crafty person like me, this was Mecca :)
They highlighted many of the projects and techniques from the book.  They even had huge, blown up versions, of the book pages posted on the walls.

Here are a few of my favorite ideas...

We also were able to make a little tomato pincushion.  Here I am sewing on a very nice Singer sewing machine, which they had a raffle of, so cross your fingers!! to start off the pin cushion....

And of course the finished products...
Martha (we are such good friends now we are on first name bases, hehe) really knows how to run her business very successfully.  No detail was spared.  At the end we got all these wonderful things!

I mean, that was well worth the price of the ticket.  I have been flipping through the book and have really been enjoying the projects in there.  If you get a chance check it out.  Also, I HIGHLY recommend attending any Martha event you possibly can.  She is VERY generous.

Take care mucho,

PS- I just got an email from Rebecca informing me of a great giveaway Singer is having.  Every day in April they are giving away Martha's new book and all you have to do is become a fan of Singer either on facebook or twitter!  Just follow this link for more info.  Good Luck!


  1. it would be fun to attend an event like that! looks like you all three of you had a great time.

  2. Seriously? You went? My sister in law used to work there, and I was bemoaning the fact that she wasn't still in NYC, or I totally would have gone. I'm so jealous. :)
