
April 9, 2010

NYC recap

So my week in NYC was great!  The highlight being seeing Martha Stewart!

My mom and I had a few rainy days at the beginning of the week that didn't allow us to do too much except shop for shop! There were some great sales at some of our favorite shops, so we just had to take advantage.

Once the weather got better we ventured a little further away from my sisters apartment.  I had to stop by in Soho so that I could shop at Purl.  I have been following on their blog Purl Bee for a while now and was excited that I finally was able to see the shops.  I was very good while I visit both the knitting and fabric shops (they are supposed to be moving to a much bigger location this weekend).  I kept hearing my husbands voice in the back of my head "please, don't spend too much".  I love the fact that he just leaves it at "too much" as if there is really a limit to that :)

We had time to do a little sight seeing.  My family has been to NYC so many times ever since my sister moved there, but we have never been able to resist doing something touristy....
so what's more fun than the double decker bus?

Oh yeah, we hopped on for the night tour. 
I know that from the picture about it looks like total day light, but this was at the beginning. By the end it started to get dark and COLD.  Good thing we had our coats and scarves with us!

We also hopped aboard the Circle Line boat for a 2 hr. tour.  This one wasn't nearly as much fun as the double decker bus, but still had great views of the city.  Especially the Statue of Liberty.

OK, I am sure you are all waiting to hear how in the world I was able to see Martha?!

Her new book Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts just came out last week and she was having a book premiere, they called it Stitch Fest.  It was incredibly well organized.  There were drinks, food and great demos from the book.  She even had a make & take, a pin cushion tomato.  My sister was so proud of herself saying, and I quote, "I have never made anything before" with a huge smile on her face, staring at her tomato. 

My mom and sister with their very own Martha pincushions!

As soon as we came in we also got a glimpse of Martha herself.  She was walking around seeing everyone's pincushion.  My mom walked close to her to get this shot....

 My sister was too embarrassed to let her get closer, haha. 

The best part of the night was the swag bag we got on our way out.  It included her book, the latest copy of all her magazines, and sewing materials galore.  It was overall a fantastic night (I have more to post about this so stay tuned).

Overall it was a great spring break!

Now it is back to work and life as usual...

Take care mucho,

1 comment:

  1. It so great to get a view of other places and events from bloggers. I would love to visit USA one day and of course NYC and I have all these tips from blogs. I am slowly building up a travel itinerary!
