
April 20, 2010

Hexagon Craze has hit me...

So I have been seeing these mini hexies pop up all throughout blogland and ... well it finally hit me. It hit me hard!

My sister had to get some minor surgery about a month ago and I needed a portable project.  I got some fabric scraps, scissors, paper hexies and thread.  As I spent practically the entire day at the hospital I made quite a lot of hexies.  I steadily continued working on more and more and more.  In the middle of making all these cute hexies I came up with the idea of wanted to create, a table runner.  I ended up making 200!
I arranged them and numbered them....
and now they are ready to be sewn together.  Now this is probably going to take a while to finish up, but little by little this one will get done.

I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Take care mucho,

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