
April 21, 2010

Quilt Along Series Continues...

I was hoping to have the second quilt started this week, but life hits and plans go to the waist side.  

We will have to start next week with our Zig Zag quilt! 
I don't have good pictures taken yet, so I thought I would show you my sketch book page where I have been planning the quilt.  

Here are some things to get you excited ...

1. We're making Zig Zags! A simple yet modern looking quilt
2. We are uping the antie- no more hand tieing, we will be quilting these layers together
3. You'll learn a new technique- half square triangles, this will open you to a whole new world!
4. Videos & pictures- I hope to have some cooperation from technology to bring you short video clips along with the usual pics to help you throughout making your quilt.
5. I will be showing how easy it would be to vary this quilt so the possibilities are endless!

 I hope you are getting excited with me and join along next week were you get to shop around a little.  We are gathering our materials and picking out our fabrics.  

Take care mucho,

I hope you are able to join us for making some easy zig zags.

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