
July 10, 2012

Summer Camp Frenzie

Summer Camp has officially begun!! We have had a great start so far.  I wish I had remembered my camera yesterday, but as always at the start of something I get a little nervous and am bound to forget something.  I hope to take pictures every day and update everyone here on the blog. 

This week's camps are Intro to Sewing in the mornings and Modern Quilting in the afternoon.  As always I am blown away at how quickly my students pick up working on a sewing machine.  All my new students in my Intro to Sewing class are going to be starting their free choice projects tomorrow!  Everyone has finished their pin cushion, key chain, tray and apron.  Did you notice the pencil pillow in one of those pictures?  YUP!  Super cool!!  I even asked her to make me one with her extra time and now I am so excited to announce I am a proud owner of a pencil pillow!  How did I live without one all this time? :)

In the afternoon Modern Quilting camp everyone is making great progress!  We have charm quilts, I Spy Quilts, and even some strip quilting projects.  One of my students is even making a Vera Bradley look alike bag and it is looking AWESOME!! Can you guess what the last quilt is replicating?  More to come on this one as more progress is made. 

Check back tomorrow for more fun happenings at School of Crafts camp!

Take care mucho,

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