
July 11, 2012

Day 3

 It felt like a mini messenger bag sweat shop today at School of Crafts.  All the girls first free choice project was a fun and very useful messenger designed by yours truly!  It is super easy and fun to make and all the girls were surprised at the fact that by the end of the day they got to take their finished bags home to show off :) 

Lots of progress was made in Modern Quilting camp!  There is one completed quilt 3 that have already started the quilting and one (the strip quilt pictured at the end) that has doubled in size in just one afternoon!  I LOVE how things are coming out for the girls at camp.  There were a few bumps in the road with having to rip out a few seams, but I hope by Friday when the girls see their final products they will totally think it was well worth it.  
Looking forward to seeing the progress another day makes tomorrow.

Check back to see how many more finishes we have.

Take care mucho,

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