
February 1, 2011


I'm back from Japan!  
And it was AMAZING.  
You probably didn't even know that I left because things got a little crazy the days before leaving.   I had a fun Sayonara post started to fill you all in on the great adventures, but it never got published :(

Anyway I went and I am now back loving the Japanese people even more than I did before.  
It was my first trip and hopefully not my last.  My husband, who is half Japanese, was the best tour guide, and even better translator, that anyone could have. 

We ended up visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and the magnificent Mt. Fuji.  It was quite a lot to do in just 8 days, our trip was cut a day short because our flight their was interesting to say the least.  A long story short our flight that was supposed to take off on Saturday afternoon was pushed way off to 8 am Sunday only to do an emergency stop in Anchorage, Alaska because there was a medical issue on board.  After all that we did manage to finally get to our final destination.  

  I of course had to take advantage with the little time (only 2 days instead of our 3 in Tokyo) and may have gone a little nuts at Nappori (their fabric district).  That is a whole other wonderful post filled with lovely eye candy (for those fabric loving friends).  

Here are a few highlights of the trip in picture form, enjoy...

Oh Japan I hope we meet again soon!

take care mucho,


  1. Welcome back~ It has been more than 10 years when I visited Japan. I can totally see how much fun you had there. Especially in the fabric district! :)

  2. Can't wait to see all the fabric you nabbed!
