
January 17, 2011

DC Modern Turns 1!

I can't believe it but DC Modern Quilt Guild is having it's first anniversary.  I started this group knowing very little about quilt guilds.  I am still not sure if we are exactly following "guild" guidelines, but I have had a great time meeting awesome people.  I have learned quite a lot this first year,  though still have much more to learn. 

In celebration of our 1 year anniversary we had a mini retreat!  We had a full 6 hours of sewing and sharing.  I have also made a few new goals for 2011, to have a written agenda for each meeting, and create fabric challenges every month for members to participate in. 

Some highlights in pictures...

Here's to another great year with some great new friends!!
 Thanks to everyone who came out, I had a such a great day!

Take care mucho,


  1. A year! I'm so proud of us. And you got pictures of me without making goofy faces. Awesome. I think that I only make goofy faces for you--I'm not a goofy face in pictures kind of girl. :)

  2. Thanks for the email about it -- I'm sorry I couldn't make it Saturday but look forward to coming another time.
