
January 4, 2015

Let's go bring back SUMMER!

Oh how I love little Olaf from Frozen :) I'm feeling a bit like him today. My fingers are frozen as I'm typing (a slight exaggeration) and I'm dreaming of summer.  Well... really I'm planning my summer camp schedule.

It's another year of only morning camps unfortunately :( My live in babysitter, also known to my kids as Grandma, has moved to NYC for a year to help my sister with her son. It has been quite the adjustment over here. I went from having 1 kid and the best help anytime I needed, to 2 kiddos and no grandma! Yeah it wasn't pretty at first... the reason you haven't heard much from me and why I haven't been teaching. Luckily I have gotten into a good groove and am feeling like I have 2 feet on solid ground :) Despite feeling good in my role as mom of 2, I won't get Grandma back till September so I am not loading myself too heavily over the summer.

The full schedule of classes is posted on the "summer camp" tab at the top. You can also click here to check it out.
I still need to get some dates confirmed with Arlington Parks & Rec. to decide on a registration date, but as soon as I hear back I will post when registration will start. Registration will begin The morning of February 18th  I also plan on sending an email to my list serve so if you would like to be included please let me know (schoolofcrafts(at)gmail(dot)com).

Some super fun news...
I also have been planning some workshops to teach in the next few months. I'm finalizing the details and will be posting dates and projects tomorrow. I have missed teaching and am eager to start again :) 

I hope you will be able to join me for a workshop or camp in 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you! Hadley would love to take a sewing class with you this Summer. Both sessions 4 and 6 would be great!

    Pease add us to your list: and
