
January 6, 2015

Join me for a Workshop!

I have been itching to start teaching again and I think I have found a nice way to ease myself back into the swing of things... workshops!

I am going to hold 3 workshops, one in each of the next three months in my home studio.  The class sizes will be small and will vary depending on the workshop.  I have included a knitting, an embroidery and sewing workshop to have a little variety.  Also, it is a good way to stay motivated and improve on skills.  Below you will find more details on each of the workshops :)

Arm Knitted Infinity Scarf:
This workshop is for kids that already know how to knit or want to learn.  What is great about this project is that you only need 1 or 2 skeins (depends on your preference) of yarn and your arms.  That's it!! It is really fun and addicting.  With the skills learned in this workshop, children will be able to make all sorts of other projects like blankets, pillows, scarves and more.  

Date: January 31, 2015
Time: 10 am - Noon
Fee: $50
Class size: 6 kids

Valentine's Embroidery Pillow:
In this embroidery workshop students will learn how to create their own design and use simple embroidery stitches to make an ordinary pillow case extraordinary.  Since this workshop is held on Valentine's day, I embroidered a fun heart inspired motif, but with the skills learned in this workshop you can use it for all sorts of holidays or occasions.  Embroidery can be put on any fabric item that you wish to spice up and make one of a kind.  Students will be asked to bring in an item they wish to decorate, though I will be working on a pillowcase.  

Date: February 14, 2015
Time: 10am- 12:30 pm
Fee: $50
Class size: 6 kids

Make your own Pillowcase:
Do you want to learn some basic sewing skills while brightening up your bed? Learn how to make a fun pillowcase that has no seams.  Students will learn how to use a sewing machine (or it can be a refresher course) to complete the project.  A sewing machine, cutting materials and thread will be provided.  Students will be responsible for bringing fabric of their choice for their pillowcase.  

Date: March 14, 2015
Time: 10:00am- 11:30am
Fee: $65
Class size: 4 kids

Registration for workshops will be through email... nothing too fancy :) So if you are interested in registering please email me at schoolofcrafts(at)gmail(dot)com and make sure to include the following information:

name of student
workshop you wish to sign up for
payment method- check or credit card (Paypal)

I'll email you back with how to complete payment. Once I receive your registration fee I will send out a supply list.  

I hope to see you guys this winter at one of my workshops :)


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