
August 4, 2013

Another productive week!

Wow did the time fly this week! Everyone was so busy making fun projects that there were days that I completely forgot to take pictures :( I was able to take a few, though it doesn't reflect the amount of work or finished projects that resulted last week. 

In the morning camp, students learned to sew on sewing machines by competing 4 projects, one of which where these fabric trays.

Then there was free choice and the kiddos had so much fun picking their projects

In the afternoon camp, Open Studio, students picked out their own projects and brought their own fabrics and set to work....

This student picked a fun dress to complete.

This kiddo was mass producing pillow covers for her room (6 total!)

A quilt reflecting her favorite books. Can you guess a few blocks?

4 new curtains for her room. Love those colors!!!

Thank you to all my campers for making this such a fun week. 
I have one more week at Arlington and then I move to Falls Church. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so much fun to see what all your students are up to! It must be so fulfilling to give all these new sewers the tools they need for a life of craftiness!
