
July 17, 2013

Too much fun...

This week has been so fun with my sewing friends... I mean students :)

Can't believe we are already over half way through the week and I haven't posted anything. It must be all the sewing that has been happening. 

This week I have had general sewing in the morning and Using Patterns in the afternoon. Again, it's just amazing how much these kids can crank out in just a few hours a day!  

Check out the fun we have been having so far this week. Kids helped me take some picture so I got to be in a few this time.

2 stuffed animals for her little cousins. Super Cute!

Busy little bees 

Making pattern weights for when they cut their fabrics.

During a little break these girls "dressed" up the mannequin

A messenger bag designed by the student.  She decided to learn how to do button holes and was a bit addicted :)

I had to contain myself from sneaking this out in my bag, haha. Isn't this rainbow zipper pouch too cute?

There is more to come so come back soon to see.

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