
June 15, 2013

DC Modern Quilt Guild

PI was lucky enough to attend one of the three days of the first DCMQG retreat!!! Funny enough it was held on University of Maryland's campus at a fraternity house no less :). Amazingly it was a great space! And clean, haha. A huge thank you to Anna who did an excellent job planning and hosting! 

I was able to chat with friends and get some much needed quilting done.
I loved every minute :)

And look at my quilting...

I finished all those straight lines! It is so tedious but wasn't so bad with all the people to distract me just enough to not quit.  

I am so happy that this one now just needs a good binding instead of being an eternal UFO :)


  1. Can't wait to see it finished. Great job quilting!

  2. It was great to see you this weekend! Congrats on finishing the quilting!
