
April 28, 2013

Outdoor fun!

We had to get outdoors with all this great weather we are having here in the DC area.
My family took a trip to Ikea (my fav!) and got some new patio furniture. When we stopped in on the fabric section I knew I had to get some of the navy gingham for a table cloth. Once I got home I set to work.
An hour later I had this!
I totally went in blind on this one. Wasn't sure my construction method was going to work out, but luckily it was perfect. I was nervous since I wanted to add the zipper to accommodate the umbrella in the middle of the table. It was actually super easy. I'm definitely going to make another one and I might even make a tutorial out of it so you guys can see how simple this really was.
Have you guys been inspired by the weather lately?

1 comment:

  1. You did that in an hour? I'm really impressed! It looks great. I hope you get to enjoy it a lot this spring/summer.
