
April 17, 2013

English Paper Piecing

So I'm diving in an another English Paper Piecing project (epp). If you haven't tried epp I highly recommend it! You use a paper base the shape you wish to use, wrap fabric around it and baste it in place. do this numerous times and then you connect your shapes together to form a design.
I started this one on the plane to QuiltCon without really knowing what it would turn into. After many diamonds basted I started playing around with quilt designs in my head.
This is the design that won :)

Sorry for the weird picture... The quilt is just laying on a bunch of stuff in my studio when I snapped this pic :)

Next is the actual quilting. Still playing around with some options... Though I'm pretty sure I want to use some form of straight line quilting.
If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. I would appreciate some insight :)

1 comment:

  1. this is beautiful. i'd do straight parallel lines fairly dense on the background and follow the shape of the epp for that section.
