
November 25, 2012

Winter classes

It's been a crazy month! Ever have one of those moments where you realize it is the last week of the month and you could swear it was just the first of the month a few days ago? Well, it has definitely happened to me.
We had Little Man's first birthday (will post a little about it soon), Turkey day! and I've been busy organizing more classes.

I just received the winter parks and rec catalog today :) if you flip to page 14 you will see 2 classes from yours truly.

A NEW class: Knitting for beginners. Figured it was a perfect winter class. Knitting is actually quite an easy (only 2 stitches) craft. Plus the materials are inexpensive and you can take it anywhere!

A classic: intro to sewing!
This class is great for anyone who wants to learn some basics of using a sewing machine (or needs a good refresher) AND for those who have already taken the class and want a little independent study time. If you want to extend your knowledge you will work on small independent projects and get help along the way.

Hope to see a you in one of my winter classes!!!

Remember if there is a class you would like me to offer just let me know. I have to put in my requests for spring session so don't hesitate in contacting me.

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