
August 3, 2012

All great things must come to and end.

Today was not only the last day of this weeks camps, but also of all School of Crafts camps.  The past 4 weeks have really flown by due to all of all my fun students, so a HUGE thank you goes out to all my campers this summer!  I have had a blast and I feel honored that you chose to take my camp :)
I hope you enjoy the last batch of pictures from the day...

A whole bunch of finishes!  I try my hardest to have all projects that get started, finished.  

They didn't get finished without a little hard work though...

and then there was a moment I was cleaning up this table of fabric...

where the girls had a little fun with my camera. 
Check out some fun bloopers :)

I do hope all those finished quilts are being cuddled up with tonight!

It has been a great summer!  Hope to see you next summer for Camp 2013 (I usually post info. on this early February, for those early planners).

Remember if you can't wait for next summer to take a class check out my fall classes going on in Sept.- Oct.  Click HERE for more info.

Take care mucho,

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