
July 30, 2012

Planning for Fall

So I had received my Arlington Parks and Rec. class catalog in the mail, but didn't notice it when I went through my pile of mail.  I have gotten a chance to look through it and found my classes on page 3!  For those of you planning your Fall adventures think about signing up for one of my classes.  I have 2 different classes offered for both adults (yes you read right... first adult classes!) and kids.  Below check out the descriptions and dates....

School of Crafts: Intro to Sewing
This class teaches the basics of hand and machine sewing.  Skills covered include: safety measures for cutting and sewing (using a rotary cutter and shears), threading a sewing machine and winding a bobbin, using a needle and sewing machine.  Students will create 2 or more real-life projects of their choosing to facilitate development of these skills.  Fee includes materials. A sewing machine will be furnished for in-class use. 
Location:  Fairlington Community Center

Ages 15- Adult               5 sessions                $150
120120A Mon., Sept. 17, 7-9pm

Ages 9-14                        5 sessions                $150
12012B  Mon., Sept. 17, 4:30-6:30pm

School of Crafts: Modern Quilting
Quilting isn't just for grandmothers anymore!  This class will teach students the basics of quilting using modern patterns and fabrics.  Skills covered include: safety measures for cutting and sewing (using rotary cutter ans shears), threading a sewing machine and winding a bobbin, creating and combining quilt blocks and sewing a while quilt. Some machine sewing experience is helpful but not required.  Students will complete at least one quilted project by the end of the class. All materials will be discussed at the first class.  A sewing machine will be furnished for in-class use.
Location: Fairlington Community Center

Ages 15- Adult              5 sessions                    $150
120118B Wed., Sept. 19, 7-9pm

Ages 9-14                      5 sessions                    $150
120118A Wed., Sept. 19, 4:30- 6:30pm

If you want to register please contact Arlington Parks and Recreation directly.  Follow the link below and it will give you more information.  

Hope to see you out at one of the classes!

Take care mucho,


1 comment:

  1. When you expand, can I be the first person you hire? :) looks like fun this summer.
