
February 15, 2011

Eye Candy...

My Japanese fabric shopping spree in pictures....
 oil cloth

 misc. yummy-ness!
 Oh, echino how I do love thee!  the bottom one is a nylon (umbrella-like) fabric... awesome!

 The most amazing fabric store in Tokyo.  A must see and buy, buy, buy for anyone visiting.  I had quite a few of these bags :)

 more echino... are you really that surprised :)

 A little Heather Ross for Kokka

 some really soft terry cloth and a little more Heather Ross...

 a few solids.... at such a great price I couldn't resist!

 just cute finds!

 and here they all are lined up all nice in their basket ready to be made into something!

Look out for a few of these for sale because I think I went a little nuts and wont be able to have enough time to create with all these wonderful finds.  So I figure I should share the wealth, right?  Feel free to write me if there is something you absolutely love because you can have first dibs :)

Take care mucho,

1 comment:

  1. What exactly is echino? I love the print with the teapot and chopsticks, also the black print with the blue circles would make some darn good rootin' tootin' pillow covers.
