
January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Boy has this year really been a tough one for me. I feel like it has been quite an uphill battle ever since my dad passed away in February. I am so ready to say good bye to 2010 and HELLO 2011!
I am keeping my hopes and dreams for 2011 simple...
just make it better than last year :)

So to all of you wonderful friends out there, in the words of my 2 year old nephew "Happy To You!"
I hope 2011 brings you all lots of happiness and of course some sewing!

Take care mucho,


  1. You have had a difficult year to say the least, but you were always willing to make others laugh and to help your colleagues at the drop of a hat. You are the BEST!

  2. I agree with Amy.... you are a superstar in my book!
