
December 1, 2010

Confessions of a Fabroholic

Was it just me or are the holiday deals getting better?!! I mean everywhere I turned I felt I saw 20% or 40% off. How can a fabroholic pass up these offers that is obviously needed to fill their obsession. Naturally I logged on just to see what they had in stock not really planning on purchasing much. Possibly just a yard here or there. Yeah, well that idea went out the door within 2 minutes of "browsing". My "window" shopping quickly turned into swiping my credit card over and over and over (virtually that is).

At Sew,Mama, Sew! I just had to get this little stack of fabric. I just didn't know when the next chance to get 20% off would present itself.

Ok so ... there was also another 20% off over at Del Ray Fabrics (I did not know this at the time of purchasing my other stack- I swear). I love their pre-cuts so I stocked up! My excuse... well people are having lots of babies, so I need pre-cuts to efficiently make them gifts. :)

And lastly the Fat Quarter Shop also had 20% off. There was absolutely no excuse with this one. By the time I logged on to see what the Fat Quarter Shop had to offer I was too far gone. I ordered 3 different times in one day. I know, I know, it sounds excessive but I kept thinking of more things I "needed". Unfortunately those haven't come in yet, though they are expected to arrive today or tomorrow. I might just have to post more eye candy when they are in.

Did anyone else get suckered in to all the holiday deals?

I am off to check my bank account and make sure I haven't totally depleted my account, haha.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Take care mucho,