
December 21, 2010

Cookie decorating!

Every year I get my girl friends together and decorate cookies. I make dozens and dozens of sugar cookies and we all sit around and ice, sprinkle and talk. I usually have friends bring some decorating items so that I am not spending a fortune on stuff, but I had so much left over from other years that we had plenty to go around. We had a blast!

Even little hands got in the fun!
And cookies were definitely eaten to keep us fueled.

I usually have a little contest going for the best and worst cookie, though we had to nix it this year because many didn't make it to the judging table :)

My mom helped out by making the best apple cider imaginable!

I wasn't with my mom to see how she made it taste so good so I will be getting the recipe and posting it to see what you all think :)

Do you have any fun holiday traditions you share with friends or family?

Take care mucho,


  1. Hi Natalie,
    We don't have too many holiday traditions, except for making a Hannukah dinner with latkes and homemade green apple sauce, but I like to walk around my neighborhood to hand deliver holiday cards. I don't ring anyone's bell, just put them in the mail slot, but it makes me aware of how many nice people there are in my neighborhood. This year I had to mail them because I have a cold and it is so cold outside. Cheers, Becky

  2. Super fun! Maybe you can post the secret to your mom's yummy cider recipe. Mine always tastes like lukewarm apple juice. :(
