
October 25, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I have been getting in the holiday spirit around here feeling like a busy little elf getting all my gifts ready in time. I am starting WAY early this year. I can hear some of you saying, "this is so not early", but I swear this is early for me. I am normally pulling all nighters for a few days before Christmas in order to finish things on time. I have a few Christmas things to share with you but only have pictures of one at the moment.

This tree skirt is for my sister. She saw the one I made a few years ago and wanted one for herself. Being an artist herself, she designed it. I helped her pick out the fabric and Voila! Of course we chose a fabric line no longer available after last Christmas, so I had to search high and low for it. In the end it was worth it because I am loving the way it has turned out ( btw it's Moda's Merry and Bright).

I have actually gotten a little further along than just piecing the top, but haven't had a chance to take good pictures of it yet. I will be sure to have a photo session soon to show it to you. This is definitely a favorite of mine. The only problem is now I want one and my other sister has put in a request as well :) Don't think those will be getting done in time for this Christmas.

Have you had a chance to get started on your "Christmas To Make" list? There are still a few things I need to make but, I learned from last year to dwindle the list down so that I am not sleep deprived by the time Christmas actually arrives.

take care mucho,

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