
September 10, 2010

Um... yeah so where have I been?

OK so I know you are probably thinking what in the heck has happened? I mean I have been on a long two month + hiatus.
Well it has been crazy busy around here. There was a nice trip to visit family in Ecuador, my mom's 60th birthday, the start of a new school year, I ran and finished my first (& probably my last) half marathon, and my husbands b-day. Needles to say it was hard to find time to blog about all the crafty happenings, but there has been some crafting around here. Starting tomorrow I will catch you up with all that has been made. For now, here is a photo review of the last two months that have flown by.

Hope this gets you interested in reading more about my adventures in the days to come.
Take care mucho,

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