
July 11, 2010

A few woes and some wedding bliss....

First I have to say I apologize for my blog slump period....First it was my camera that was totally out of battery and the charger was no where in sight (I may have put it in such a great spot that even I can't remember where it is). Then our internet wasn't working. So after buying a new charger and hours on the phone with the internet people....

I have been pretty busy in my internet absence and now I can finally share with you all everything.

I am going to start with my 4th of July Weekend.....
My best friend, Heather, finally got married.
(You will probably remember me sharing about her Bachlorette party in June.)
The weather was perfect. She really had great luck! It was a great thing considering the entire evening was outside.

Not only did I have Maid of Honor duties that weekend, I was also the baker. All week I was baking, icing and decorating. This was only the third wedding cake I had ever attempted so it was still a little stressful. Luckily everything went incredibly well and this is what resulted...

Her grandmother made all the flower arrangements including the cute little cake topper that you see here.

There was a little left over batter so I thought of making these...

We enjoyed these little guys while at the hair salon getting beautified.

All in all it was a beautiful wedding and everyone had a great time!

It's a good thing we have a great sense of humor.

CONGRATULATIONS Heather & Aaron! I hope you guys have a great life together!

take care mucho,

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