
June 1, 2010

Finally caught up!

So I have bee a very bad quilting bee member for the last 3 months of our bee. I have been a part of a great group of quilters called Bee Inspired and it wrapped up way back in March and ....well... I am just getting around to finishing up the final quilt blocks.

It has been quite a whirl wind of a winter and spring. I finally got my act together and finished the last 3 quilting blocks that I needed to send out.

Here is Deb's block who wanted a block with squares and/or rectangle...

Lynn wanted 2 spider blocks which I loved how they turned out...

Lisa wanted a block inspired by a quilt made by a fellow Bee Inspired member and this is what I was able to come up with...

sorry wonderful Bee Inspired friends for the delay in my blocks. I had a wonderful year of creating fun blocks for you all. I hope that I can piece together my quilt top by the end of this year and post picture updates as I make some progress.

take care mucho,

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