
June 14, 2010

Cheers for Heather!

My best friend, Heather, is getting married in about 2 weeks! This past weekend we had a great time celebrating her last few single days by having a beer tasting bachlorette!

I had way too much fun sticking to our beer and chocolate theme...

For the invites I made the coasters at and stuck them on to circular scalloped paper. I also bought 4inch round stickers at in an olive green and a mustard yellow. The green served as a backdrop to the printed coasters and the yellow got printed on with the party info.

I layed out the chocolates in the middle of the room so that as everyone had a taste they could choose the type of chocolate they wished to try with it.

There were 10 different chocolates in all (not all are pictures). Everything from milk chocolate to dark chocolate to espresso beans covered in chocolate, pomegranate covered chocolate, chocolate with raspberries, and even chili pepper chocolate. It was all very interesting.

The brides brother has a sand blaster and was nice enough to create initialed pint glasses. They were super cute! and was a hit with guests .

I created small "clip boards" using canvas boards and binder clips. Then I stuck some extra beer labels that I also created at to add a bit of pizazz.

On the boards I clipped "Rate that Beer" paper that I found at a paper store in NYC. I can't remember the name of the store, but as soon as I saw them I had to get them! Here is a close up of the paper... some of the things on there make me laugh.

And lastly beers were poured....

We had a total of 9 different beers we tasted from lites to darks to fruity ones. Some were quite interesting!
Here I am enjoying a taste :)

It was so much fun putting this all together. I highly recommend a fun event like this if you have something to celebrate... or just cuz.

take care mucho,

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