
May 21, 2010

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Amy is at it again at Amy's Creative Side by hosting the 3rd Bloggers Quilt Festival!

I wanted to share a fun lap size quilt that started off as just a fun quilt to make with a fat quarter pack and it has ended up being a quilt that will stay with me forever.

This quilt lived happily hanging on the back of my couch at home for quite a few months as one of my favorite quilts. My husband, dogs and I loved curling up with it, in front of the tv for hours. Then in February my dad had a really bad fall down the stairs and he was in the ICU for two days. I spent the night at the hospital with him and I had asked my husband to bring me among many things that night, one of my quilts. This was the quilt that he ended up bring me that night. In the middle of the night my dad's body temperature was fluctuating and at some point this quilt ended up on him to keep him warm. He wasn't conscious the entire time he was in the hospital but looking at my dad with this quilt laying on top of him made me feel happy. I knew he would have loved the fact that it brought some color in an otherwise very neutral room and of course he would like the fact that I made it. He always encouraged my crafty creativity.

This quilt stayed with him all the way until his last breath. This quilt has now become my little piece of my dad that I carry with me. It reminds me of him and all the great memories I have. I thought at first that I wouldn't want to use the quilt. I would just leave it folded nicely to be preserved, but in actuality it has been greatly loved since those days in the hospital. I still curl up with it watching tv {with my dad}.

take care mucho,


  1. Very cute. Lovely fabrics, colors & design. You did a great job.


  2. What a very loved quilt and a great story and happy memories of your dad.

  3. Lots of memories tied up in this quilt. It probably brought your Dad a lot of comfort. It is really beautiful.

  4. Wow-- what an inspiring story. It is good to remember that our quilts bring us joy when we make them and when we share them with loved ones. Your kind gesture of comfort for your father eased his passing, I am sure.

  5. What a touching story. This is a lovely way to remember your dad!

  6. what a special memory that this quilt is really beautiful

  7. Great quilt, and a lovely story. Hugs.

  8. What a special quilt and touching story. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That bought a tear to my eye. That is indeed a very special quilt; one that will be in your family for eternity!

  10. Beautiful and moving post and darling quilt. This is what quilts and quilt is truly about. Your dad was much loved and so were, and are, you!

  11. I love your story. Always remember that quilts are meant to be used and loved - not put on a shelf, no matter what memories go with them!

  12. What a special quilt with connects you and your dad... The back is also very lovely.

    ..I am off today from work, so will hopefully get to some others on the quilt fest. I have some drawing orders to work on and of course, cleaning house... Now that our children are grown and my hubby and I are empty nesters, I can't be a "stay at home mom", but I would love to be a stay at home wife :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    If you have a moment to come over, please let me know by leaving a comment at my post. It was fun meeting you!

  13. what a special quilt story!! it is so wonderful you could share that quilt with your father. my mom was in icu and it was a super hard experience. i wish i'd had something like this to share with her. thanks for telling your story and showing us your much loved quilt

  14. I made a quilt for my best friend's baby boy last year. :) yours is a beautiful quilt on it's own--with the added connection to your father, I think it's just about perfect.

  15. I forgot to add the quilt for baby Josh was using this line :)
