
April 27, 2010

EQ7... have you heard?

So I have been looking into getting some sort of quilt design software all over the internet.  I always have so many different ideas flowing in my head but figured it would be much easier than taking out my colored pencils and paper. 
As I have been researching it seems that EQ (Electric Quilt) has the best reviews.  People say that it is so easy to use and has a billion and a half fabric swatches.  I was looking at their blog the other day since now I am waiting for the day that I just take the plunge and purchase it, and thank goodness I haven't done it yet.  They are coming out with a new and improved version, EQ7! It comes out in June and I think this is the perfect excuse to take the "plunge". 

I will keep you posted.....

Has anyone out there ever used any of the EQ's or other quilting software?  Anyone else as excited as I am?  I would love to hear your thoughts.

take care mucho,

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! That's so exciting! You are way creative.

    So I'm co-hosting a different kind of bee. Come check out my blog and see if you're interested.

    If not, I'm doing a Bee Inspired kinda bee starting in June.
    I'd love to have you in one or BOTH!

    How are you doing?
